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Who Supports Your Writing Dream?

The most challenging part of being a writer is deciding if it is a career or a hobby, right? Or maybe it's wondering how much time and energy you should put into it. Possibly the fear of if you'll finish writing and have nowhere for it to go. Is your work worth a publisher, or should you go indie? There are a lot of things to consider.

The problem isn't you; it's who you confide in and who surrounds you. Who is within your support group? Who is encouraging, inspiring, and motivating you? Surround yourself with people who believe in you, and you'll know all the answers to your questions because guess what. It can be a career. You should put as much time and energy as you can into it. Your writing can get into the right hands. It is worth a publisher or going indie. You can be a big-time writer regardless of the route you take. You can go as far as you want to go. However, if you don't have people behind you, supporting you, encouraging you, and just as invested in you succeeding as you hope to be, the path to this becoming a real career is that much harder.

Don't worry if your support group isn't people you see daily. It might not be family, friends, or your spouse. It might be a Facebook Group you join, a meeting for writers you stumble upon, or even someone on social media. Find your support and push for the stars! You can do this!

I hope this inspires you to keep pushing forward!


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